When I was a child, I experienced numerous traumas, and I had to work long and hard as an adult to heal from them.

Along the way, as I healed, I created a successful architectural design practice in Park Slope Brooklyn, and I founded, edited and published an award-winning national design magazine. I also derived great satisfaction from raising a child who felt seen and appreciated and able to thrive. In recent years, I also have achieved a profoundly enriching intimate relationship. And, then, in wanting to be able to coach others, I sought out training and certification from one of the most respected coaching institutes in the world (CTI) and from the international organization that sets the gold standard for the coaching industry (ICF).

Yet what I believe is most important for you to know are the personal insights, skills, and strategies that I had to develop to succeed in my own journey which now give me special capacities for assisting my clients.

(1) I had to become keenly aware of nuanced feelings, because inner truths reveal themselves in subtle ways. That awareness now helps me to perceive and mirror back to my clients such clues within themselves and to ask them questions that enable them to discover their own unique, liberating truths.

(1) I had to learn compassion, beginning with myself and extending to everyone else in my life. This has helped me to help my clients accept with compassion that where they are now makes total sense in the arc of their life story and therefore to:

  • stop their “inner judge” from lambasting them about the parts of themselves that still have struggles.

  • heal those parts of themselves.

  • become more free to start to make new choices.

(3) I had to develop a deep respect for the unique person I discovered myself to be, because, again, there could be no happiness if I tried to pretend I was someone else. This hard-earned self-respect has given me a profound respect for the unique self within each of my clients, and for the importance of their living the lives they were meant to live.

(4) Because I persevered until I myself truly had a life I love — and took the sometimes courageous steps which that necessitated, I know in my heart that my clients can do the same for themselves. In other words, my own hard-earned success, and the courage and strength it required, also enable me to wholeheartedly support my clients as they make their own crucial, brave choices.

So if you are looking for a coach who can help you make significant progress that you may not even believe right now is possible, I hope you will sign up for a complimentary phone-coaching session with me today. It would offer us a great opportunity to discuss where you are right now, where you hope to be, and whether our working together might help you achieve what you sense might be possible but which you somehow can’t quite make happen in your current life.

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Suzanne Goodman M.Arch CPCC PCC

Suzanne Goodman M.Arch CPCC PCC